
Works of John Owen: Volume 4 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume Four contains the second part of Owen’s work on the Holy Spirit. Here Owen connects the Holy Spirit to illumination, supplication, and consolation. He also examines the Holy Spirit’s role as the author of spiritual gifts.

THE REASON OF FAITH; OR, THE GROUNDS WHEREON THE SCRIPTURE IS BELIEVED TO BE THE WORD OF GOD WITH FAITH DIVINE AND SUPERNATURAL. ——— CHAPTER I The subject stated—Preliminary remarks. THE principal design of that discourse whereof the ensuing treatise is a part, is to declare the work of the Holy Ghost in the illumination of the minds of men,—for this work is particularly and eminently ascribed unto him,—or the efficacy of the grace of God by him dispensed, Eph. 1:17, 18; Heb. 6:4; Luke 2:32; Acts
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